一、原文得到母亲去世的消息,我很悲痛。我想我爱我母亲,因为她给了我“生命”;但这并不是一个具有广泛意义的真理。至于母爱,直到母亲死后我才知道,原来这个爱也是分几种的。现在我想写一篇文章来表达我的哀痛和回忆。我家并不富裕,但我从小就什么也不缺。我所有的玩具和书,我母亲都给我买;我的母亲甚至为了买一架钢琴,牺牲了养家糊口的手表。因此,我的童年是丰富多彩的。我母亲是我最好的朋友。每当我遇到困难时,我总是找她倾诉,而她也会耐心地听。她会给我很多建议,但我总是听不进去。现在回想起来,我很后悔。母亲是家里最勤劳的人。她每天早上起得很早,给我们做早餐,然后去上班。晚上回来后,她还要做家务,给我们做晚餐。尽管她很累,但她总是尽力满足我们所有的需要。我母亲是个善良的人。她总是帮助那些需要帮助的人,无论大小事情。她总是告诉我们,我们应该多关心别人,多为别人着想。她的善良和慷慨让我感到自豪。在我大学毕业后的那个夏天,我母亲去世了。她的死让我感到非常孤独和无助。我开始意识到我多么需要她在我身边,我多么需要她的爱和支持。在那之后,我开始更加珍惜我们的时间在一起。我开始更加努力工作,希望能够让她感到骄傲。我开始学习如何表达我的爱,希望能够让她感到温暖和安慰。现在,我想告诉她我有多么爱她,有多么感激她对我的爱和支持。我想告诉她我有多么想念她。我想告诉她我有多么后悔没有早点表达我的爱。我想告诉她我有多么希望她能在我身边,陪伴我走过我的人生旅程。我母亲是我生命中最重要的人之一。我将永远怀念她,永远感激她对我的爱和支持。我将永远努力成为一个值得她骄傲的儿子/女儿。我会永远怀念我亲爱的母亲。二、译文回忆我的母亲一、原文I was saddened to learn of my mother's passing away. I thought I loved my mother because she gave me life; but that is not a truth that holds广泛 significance. As for motherly love, I only learned after my mother's death that there are several varieties of it. Now, I wish to write an article to express my grief and memories.My family was not well off, but I never lacked anything. All my toys and books were bought for me by my mother. She even sacrificed her watch to buy a piano for me, thereby ensuring that my childhood was丰富多彩.My mother was my best friend. Whenever I encountered difficulties, I would turn to her for counsel and she would listen patiently. She would give me many suggestions, but I never took them to heart. Now that I look back, I regret it.My mother was the most hardworking person in the family. She woke up early every morning, cooked us breakfast, then went to work. After returning home in the evening, she would also take on household chores and cook dinner for us. Despite being tired, she always tried her best to meet all our needs.My mother was a kind person. She always helped those in need, whether it was something big or small. She always instilled in us that we should care more about others and think more about others. Her kindness and generosity made me proud.During the summer after I graduated from university, my mother passed away. Her death left me feeling extremely lonely and helpless. I began to realize how much I needed her presence, how much I needed her love and support.After that, I began to cherish the time we spent together even more. I started working harder, hoping to make her proud. I started learning how to express my love, hoping to make her feel warm and comforted.Now, I want to tell her how much I love her, how grateful I am for her love and support. I want to tell her how much I miss her. I want to tell her how regretful I am for not expressing my love earlier. I want to tell her how much I hope she could be by my side, accompany me through my life journey.My mother is one of the most important people in my life. I will forever miss her and be grateful for her love and support. I will forever strive to be a worthy son/daughter who makes her proud. I will forever miss my dear mother.