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赵露思个人简介赵露思,1998年7月9日出生于四川省成都市,中国内地女演员,毕业于明道大学。赵露思代表作品2016年参加由芒果TV推出的歌手选秀节目《超级女声》,获得了全国总决赛R12的参赛资格2017年出演的首部电影《西游之净坛使者传》上映2018年主演了奇幻喜剧电影《奇幻猪猪侠·猪年吉祥》2019年主演的古装言情剧《凤囚凰》播出;同年,出演的古装剧《延禧攻略》在爱奇艺播出2020年主演的都市职场剧《我们不能是朋友》播出;同年,在主演的古装言情剧《传闻中的陈芊芊》播出;此外,还主演了扶贫题材剧《胡同》2021年出演建党百年献礼片《1921》2022年主演的古装武侠言情剧《且试天下》播出;同年,主演的都市情感剧《向风而行》播出赵露思获得荣誉2017年7月获得第十届“新媒体节”年度最佳新人奖2018年4月获得第一届网影盛典年度十佳网影人气新星;同年,获得第三届金骨朵网络影视盛典年度受欢迎女演员奖2019年获得第六届“G客盛典”年度最佳女主角奖2020年1月获得第二届游心奖年度最佳女演员奖2021年5月被评选为“年度最具价值女艺人”2021年8月入选福布斯中国名人榜;同年,获得微博视界大会微光奖2022年5月入选艾媒金榜发布的《2022年中国新时代美丽先锋人物榜单》同年6月获得第十九届中美电影节最佳新人奖同年7月获得第十四届中美电视节优秀青年演员奖赵露思英文介绍Zhao Lusi (Zhao Lusi) is an outstanding young actress in the Chinese entertainment industry. Born in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, China, on July 9, 1998, Zhao Lusi has graduated from Mingdao University. She has appeared in many film and television works as a versatile actress with her unique acting skills.Zhao Lusi's debut work was as a contestant in the singing competition program "Super Girl" organized by芒果TV in 2016. She immediately attracted attention with her singing and dancing skills and became one of the hottest newcomers in the Chinese entertainment industry. Since then, Zhao Lusi has continuously appeared in many film and television works, gradually establishing herself as a familiar face in the industry. Her works include the fantasy comedy movie "Phantasy Adventure: Pigs of Tomorrow" released in 2017, the romantic TV drama "Love Obsession" released in the same year, and the blockbuster TV drama "Palace Story" released in 2018. Since then, she has continuously appeared in film and television works of various themes, gradually establishing her popularity and brand value. In her recent works, such as the female lead role drama "I Am Your Hostess", Zhao Lusi once again received love and attention by perfectly demonstrating a highly intelligent hostess character. Her acting skills have been highly recognized by the audience and her popularity has continued to rise. In addition to film and television works, Zhao Lusi has also appeared in some advertisements and variety shows, showing her charm and influence in various fields.Zhao Lusi has won several awards for her excellent performance in film and television works. In 2017, she won the New Media Festival's Best Newcomer Award for her appearance in "The Legend of the Magical Sword". In 2018, she was selected as one of the top ten netizens' favorite newcomers at the first online film event, and also won the audience's favorite actress award at the third "Gudongzishan" network film awards ceremony. In 2019, she won the best actress award at the sixth "Gukangshengzhan" awards ceremony for her appearance in "The Happiness of Feeling".