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篮球是一项非常流行的运动,其英文表达方式是“basketball”。以下是有关篮球的英文表达:篮球比赛规则相关词汇篮球比赛basketball game球...
篮球是一项非常流行的运动,其英文表达方式是“basketball”。以下是有关篮球的英文表达:篮球比赛规则相关词汇篮球比赛basketball game球员player教练coach裁判referee替补substitute队长captain上场enter the court下场leave the court出场be substituted犯规foul技术犯规technical foul恶意犯规flagrant foul罚球free throw三分球three-pointer两分球two-pointer上篮layup扣篮dunk走步traveling盖帽block shot抢断steal篮板球rebound快攻fast break三秒违例three seconds violation防守defense进攻offense全队犯规team foul个人犯规personal foul罚球次数foul shots attempted罚球命中率foul shots percentage技术统计表stat sheet比分牌scoreboard暂停time out时间time秒数seconds分数points赛制bracket system四节比赛four quarters加时赛overtime period(OT)其他相关表达方式与比赛相关表达方式:开场白opening ceremony or fanfare. Also, a formal introduction of the players and team officials prior to the start of a basketball game. This ceremony includes a pompous entrance of the players, a performance by the cheerleaders, and the singing of the national anthem全场欢呼The entire audience cheers for the home team during the basketball game. This is a very common occurrence during basketball games. The home team's fans usually create a raucous atmosphere for the visiting team to play in. However, some neutral fans also join in cheering for the home team. This creates a very electric atmosphere in the stadium加时赛(OT)The basketball game goes into overtime, commonly referred to as "OT" for short. During overtime, there is an additional five minutes added onto the game time, allowing the two teams to play for a winner. This is a situation where the scores are tied at the end of regulation time, and the game must continue until a victor is determined. OT is very exciting and tense, as both teams battle hard to win三秒违例(3 seconds violation)This refers to a violation of the three seconds rule. The offensive player who catches the ball has to release it within three seconds of catching it. If he doesn't release it within this time, then the other team will be awarded possession of the ball. This rule applies to all positions on the court, including the post players. The three seconds violation is a very common call in basketball, and it can change the course of a game in an instant前场跳球( tip)A player jumps and touches the ball while it's above his head. The first player to touch the ball after a jump ball is called a tipper. This is a very common occurrence in basketball games, and it often decides possession of the ball during a dead ball situation. Tipping the ball can be a very important skill to have in basketball, as it can help gain possession for your team during crucial moments in the game后场跳球( tip)A player jumps and touches the ball while it's above his head from behind the basket. The first player to touch the ball after a jump ball is called a tipper. This is not a common occurrence in basketball games, but it can change possession of the ball during dead ball situations when players jump to tip it back towards their teammate. Tipping the ball from behind the basket requires excellent timing and coordination, as it's difficult to control where the ball goes when it's tipped from such a distance