二十不惑 介绍PPT
Hello,everyone.I’m Tang Yanjun.Today I’d like to introduce you to a TV series...
Hello,everyone.I’m Tang Yanjun.Today I’d like to introduce you to a TV series named Twenty Your Life on.二十不惑Twenty Your Life on年轻人应该怎样活着?What teenagers shouid do for the purpose of living a wonderful life?即将大学毕业的学生们应该怎样找到适合自己并且喜爱的工作?How should teenagers choose a suitable work and enjoy it?年轻人应该有怎样的恋爱观?How to love a person?我们应该如何勇敢地做自己?How can we be ourselves bravely?作为年轻人,年轻是我们最大的资本As teenagers,youth is our biggest capital.因为年轻我们敢于试错,As we are young,we dare to give it a try.因为年轻我们敢于冒险,As we are young,we dare to explore.因为年轻我们敢想敢做、敢做敢当As we are young,we are responsible for what we have down.电视剧的主题是青春与毕业季的职业选择The theme of the TV series is youth and the choice of work at the end of campus life.电视剧很受欢迎,获得广泛的好评It soon gets popular and receive high praise.姜小果 努力,奋进,还不时耍点小聪明Hard-working,diligent,sophisticated段家宝 善解人意,包容Understanding,tolerant罗艳 勇敢做自己喜欢的事,坚持做自己认为正确的事Stick to be herself.Do what she like and what is riaght.梁爽 有正确的恋爱观,知错就改Have proper views over love and to be loved,grow up over mistakes.他们身上所拥有的品质真诚,善良,宽容都是我们所需要的