Hello everyone, the topic of my speech today is PUAOriginal meanings of PUA i...
Hello everyone, the topic of my speech today is PUAOriginal meanings of PUA is Pick-up Artist. It is a positive word, but during a period and through so many things they change about the original reason. It change into the Emotional abuse.PUA can be incredibly damaging, increasing a person’s chances of developing depression and anxiety sometimes for decades after the fact. Let’s walk through some of the most common signs of PUA.To make these behaviors and patterns easier to spot in real life. First, the content of someone’s words:criticism that’s out of proportion to a situation, excessively harsh or personal or makes sweeping generalizations or baseless negative predictions for the future is a warning sign of PUA.Second, tone and non-verbal cues: yelling ignoring and showing contempt through body language are all ways to degrade someone. Dismissive behaviors like eye rolling glaring, or refusal to make eye contact along with refusing to speak to someone or acknowledge their presence sometimes called “the silent treatment” can all feature in patterns of PUA.Third, how someone reacts to being told they’ve said or done something hurtful can give important insights: do they apologizesincerely and act differently in the future or do they dismiss and minimize the pain they’ve caused?Lastly, when someone directs any of these behaviors at you, you must take note of whether this is part of a pattern of behavior from them.A one-time incident of name-calling or a demeaning insult might not be emotionally abused, while repetition over time can have a much more serious impact. How often these behaviors occur in a given period of time and duration, or how long they last. Whether days or years can contribute the severity of PUA.In fact, it is easy to find PUA in our life. The reason why we don't find it is because the people who abuse us are often thepeople we love or claim to love us.So what can you do if you think you or someone you careabout is experiencing PUA? If you think you might be experiencing PUA, you need consider sharing your experiences with a trusted friend or relative to get outside support. Or you can seek local or national confidential advocacy centers that can provide helpful resources.And if you think someone you know is being emotionally abused, you must check in with them. Let them know you’re thinking of them and that you’re ready to listen whenever they like to share.While abuses may convince people that they deserve to be mistreated, every deserves kindness and respect.