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以下是《寻梦环游记》的英文台词(中英对照):英文版经典台词If anyone asks what I'm doingtell them I'm remem...
以下是《寻梦环游记》的英文台词(中英对照):英文版经典台词If anyone asks what I'm doingtell them I'm remembering.如果有人问我在做什么,告诉他们我在回忆To all the dreamers out thereif you want to change the world, first change yourself.对于所有的梦想家来说,如果你想改变世界,首先要改变自己The true death is that no one in the world remembers you.真正的死亡是世界上没有人记得你You can't be more powerful than your dream.你不能比你梦想更强大The family is more important than the dream.家庭比梦想更重要A person can't be more热爱生命 笑对死亡小故事多 than his dream.一个人不能比他的梦想更热爱生命笑对死亡The best way to remember something is to forget it.记住某事的最好方法是忘记它The worst way to remember something is to keep it.记住某事的最糟糕的方法是保留它Dreams are like stars... they guide usthey give us hope.梦想就像星星...它们引导我们,给我们希望When someone is in your heartthey will live forever.当有人在你心里时,他们会永远存在There are three things that cannot last foreverthe sun, the moon, and the truth.有三样东西不能永远存在,太阳、月亮和真相英文版对白精选"Rememberremember, the true death is when the world stops remembering you."“记住,记住,真正的死亡是当世界停止记住你。”"No familyno future. That's why we have to keep the memories alive."“没有家庭,没有未来。这就是为什么我们必须让记忆永存。”"You can't just give up on family because of one bad thing."“你不能因为一件坏事就放弃家庭”"If I can't play musicI'm nothing."“如果我不能弹音乐,我什么都不是。”"I'm not going to let him go."“我不会让他走的”"If we don't keep our memories alivewe might as well be dead already."“如果我们不保持我们的记忆,我们可能已经死了。”"I thought I lost you forever."“我以为我永远失去了你”"You're not alone anymore."“你不再孤单了”"You're always in my heart."“你永远在我心中”英文版经典对话"What's your name?"“你叫什么名字?”"My name is Cocobut my family calls me Coco."“我叫Coco,但我的家人都叫我Coco。”"Whatdo you want to be when you grow up?"“你长大后想成为什么?”"I want to be a singerlike my Papa."“我想成为一名歌手,像我爸爸一样。”"Butwhat if your dream doesn't come true?"“但如果你的梦想没有成真呢?”"It will come true. As long as I believeit will come true."“它会成真的。只要我相信,它就会成真。”英文版经典对白"What's the most important thing in your life?"“你生命中最重要的东西是什么?”"In my lifethe most important thing is family."“在我生命中,最重要的是家庭。”"Butwhat about your dream? Can't you just forget about it?"“但你的梦想呢?你不能忘记它吗?”"Nomy dream is important too. But family is more important."“不,我的梦想也很重要。但家庭更重要。”"Butwhat if you can't have both?"“但如果你不能两者兼得呢?”"Then I will choose family. Family comes first."“那么我会选择家庭家庭第一。”英文版经典台词"I'm not going to give up on family just because of one mistake."“我不会因为一次错误而放弃家庭”"You have to stand up for what you believe ineven if it means going against the world."“你必须为你所信仰的东西而奋斗,即使这意味着与世界为敌。”"You can't let the past define who you are. You have to let it make you stronger."“你不能让过去定义你是谁你必须让它让你变得更强大。”"There's nothing more powerful than a person's dreams. Nothing."“没有什么比一个人的梦想更有力量没有什么。”"If you want to make a difference in the worldyou have to be different in the world."“如果你想改变世界,你必须在这个世界上独树一帜。”英文版经典对白"You can't escape your familybut you can choose how to live your life."“你不能逃离你的家庭,但你可以选择如何生活。”"It's not enough to just want to be someone. You have to work hard and make it happen."“只是想要成为某人是远远不够的你必须努力工作并实现它。”"Dreams are just dreams until you take action. Then they become reality."“梦想只是梦想除非你采取行动。然后它们变成现实。”英文版经典台词"The past can hurtbut the way I see it, you can either run from it or learn from it."“过去可以带来伤害,但在我看来,你可以逃避它,也可以从中学习。”"Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle."“相信自己和你的所有要知道,你内心深处的东西比任何障碍都要强大。”"When you are true to yourselfyour power is unstoppable."“当你对自己真实时,你的力量是不可阻挡的。”"The only thing that separates us from the animals is our ability to dream."“把我们和动物区分开来的唯一事情是我们的梦想能力”