课堂问候与纪律管理1.1 问候Good morningeveryone. 大家早上好Helloclass. 同学们,大家好How are you all ...
课堂问候与纪律管理1.1 问候Good morningeveryone. 大家早上好Helloclass. 同学们,大家好How are you all today? 你们今天好吗?1.2 纪律管理Let's start the classplease be quiet. 请安静,我们开始上课Quietplease. 请安静Please stop talking. 请停止讲话Be attentiveplease. 请集中注意力教学活动与指令2.1 介绍主题Today we'll be talking about... 今天我们将讨论We'llbe learning about... 我们将学习Let'sstart with... 我们从...开始2.2 讲解新知识Let me explain... 我来解释一下This means... 这个意思是Please pay attention to... 请注意Can you repeat that? 你能重复一下吗?2.3 小组活动与讨论Work in groups of three. 分成三组进行讨论Discuss with your neighbors. 与你的邻居进行讨论Each group should come up with a solution. 每组都要提出一个解决方案2.4 角色扮演与对话练习Role play a conversation between... 扮演...之间的对话You're the shopkeeperand you're the customer. 你是店主,你是顾客Let's practice the dialogue from yesterday. 我们来练习昨天的对话评价与反馈3.1 总体评价Overallyou did a great job. 总的来说,你们做得很好I'm proud of your progress. 我为你们的进步感到骄傲Keep up the good work. 继续保持3.2 个别指导与建议Maybe you could try using more advanced vocabulary next time. 也许你可以尝试下次使用更高级的词汇You have a good grasp of the subject matterbut let's work on your pronunciation more. 你对主题有很好的理解,但是让我们更多地练习你的发音It would be helpful to review the material again before the next class. 在下一课前再次复习材料会很有帮助布置作业与课下学习建议4.1 布置作业Please finish the homework assigned yesterday. 请完成昨天分配的家庭作业The reading for today is on page... 今天的阅读材料在...页