中文规则准备阶段每场比赛开始前,双方选手需在各自半场进行抛硬币决定发球顺序。硬币正面代表A方,反面代表B方发球顺序获得发球权的选手需按照“A-B-A-B”的顺序进行发球局数与盘数一场比赛通常由若干个“局”组成,每局比赛又分为若干个“盘”。每盘比赛必须决出胜负决定性发球当一方选手连续两次发球失误或一次发球失误并导致本方失分时,称为“决定性发球”。此时,另一方选手可选择换发球或继续发球换发球当双方选手各自完成5次发球后,应进行一次换发球。换发球后,双方选手继续进行比赛连续得分当一方选手在发球局中连续获得4分或以上时,称为“连续得分”。此时,该选手可以选择继续发球或交换对手的发球权休息时间每场比赛通常分为三个阶段进行,每个阶段结束后有固定的休息时间。休息时间不得超过1分钟暂停比赛当比赛因意外情况无法继续时,裁判有权暂停比赛并判定比赛结果。若双方选手均同意继续比赛,则比赛继续进行争议处理如双方选手对比赛结果有异议,应向裁判提出。裁判将根据规则进行裁决英文规则Preparation - Before each matchthe players shall toss a coin on their respective halves of the court to determine the serving order. Heads represents Party A, while tails represents Party BServing order - The serving order shall be "A-B-A-B" when a match startsSets and Games - A match is usually composed of several "games" and each game is divided into several "sets". Each set must be decided one way or anotherWin by default - If a player fails to serve twice in a row or fails once and loses the pointit is called a "win by default". At this time, the other player can choose to continue serving or change to serveChange of serve - When each player has served 5 timesa change of serve shall be made. After the change of serve, the game continuesServe advantage - If a player achieves 4 or more consecutive points while servingit is called a "serve advantage". At this time, the player can choose to continue serving or exchange the serving order with their opponentRest time - Each match is usually divided into three stagesand there is a fixed rest time after each stage. The rest time shall not exceed 1 minuteSuspension of the match - If the match cannot continue due to unexpected circumstancesthe referee can suspend the match and decide on the result. If both players agree to continue the match, it continuesDispute handling - If both players have异议 about the result of the gamethey should submit it to the referee for decision-making according to the rules