6天扔了十几次!男子高空抛物砸死路人,被核准死刑PPT模板,一键免费AI生成6天扔了十几次!男子高空抛物砸死路人,被核准死刑PPT 《再见爱人》第四季中,杨子的种种表现让网友见识了什么是 NPD 人格PPT模板,一键免费AI生成《再见爱人》第四季中,杨子的种种表现让网友见识了什么是 NPD 人格PPT 《花少6》塌房季,4人吃9人餐暴露本性PPT模板,一键免费AI生成《花少6》塌房季,4人吃9人餐暴露本性PPT 抗美援朝纪念日 | 青山埋忠骨,山河铸英魂PPT模板,一键免费AI生成抗美援朝纪念日 | 青山埋忠骨,山河铸英魂PPT 6天扔了十几次!男子高空抛物砸死路人,被核准死刑PPT模板,一键免费AI生成6天扔了十几次!男子高空抛物砸死路人,被核准死刑PPT 《再见爱人》第四季中,杨子的种种表现让网友见识了什么是 NPD 人格PPT模板,一键免费AI生成《再见爱人》第四季中,杨子的种种表现让网友见识了什么是 NPD 人格PPT 《花少6》塌房季,4人吃9人餐暴露本性PPT模板,一键免费AI生成《花少6》塌房季,4人吃9人餐暴露本性PPT 抗美援朝纪念日 | 青山埋忠骨,山河铸英魂PPT模板,一键免费AI生成抗美援朝纪念日 | 青山埋忠骨,山河铸英魂PPT 6天扔了十几次!男子高空抛物砸死路人,被核准死刑PPT模板,一键免费AI生成6天扔了十几次!男子高空抛物砸死路人,被核准死刑PPT 《再见爱人》第四季中,杨子的种种表现让网友见识了什么是 NPD 人格PPT模板,一键免费AI生成《再见爱人》第四季中,杨子的种种表现让网友见识了什么是 NPD 人格PPT 《花少6》塌房季,4人吃9人餐暴露本性PPT模板,一键免费AI生成《花少6》塌房季,4人吃9人餐暴露本性PPT 抗美援朝纪念日 | 青山埋忠骨,山河铸英魂PPT模板,一键免费AI生成抗美援朝纪念日 | 青山埋忠骨,山河铸英魂PPT


BY F. SCOTT FITZGERALDCHAPTER 11922The summer Tom Buchanan invited me to New ...
BY F. SCOTT FITZGERALDCHAPTER 11922The summer Tom Buchanan invited me to New York, I read Green Mansions by W.H. Hudson for the first time."The Waldenses," I believe he凑巧听到我哺rbling the book。He had never heard of the Waldenses,他可能是,但他的心可能没有在听。很久以后,我回忆起这个场景,我认识到,我是在Tom的呼吸下读完这一章的。他的呼吸,含有一种他所饮的苏格兰威士忌的强烈味道,当时我相信,这是他过去五年里所喝下的酒精味。CHAPTER 2The 1920sThe Ralston Purina Company,which Tom Buchanan had been sent East to work for,was a grain elevator and feed store concern,with a factory in St. Louis and a network of branch elevators in the corn belt,and,like its competitors,primarily dealt in the milling of wheat and the manufacture of feed stuffs for the chickens,hogs,and cattle fattened on the region's rich,productive soil.CHAPTER 3The 1920sThe Midland had not been built yet in Daisy's childhood.CHAPTER 4The 1920sThe Midland was already a year old when Tom and Daisy Buchanan,who had been living on the top floor of a six-story walk-up on Long Island,married and set up housekeeping in one of the new stucco duplexes across the street from the Country Club——the stucco,pink or ivory duplexes with Corinthian pillars and wrought-iron railings and green lawns that ran from the Country Club east to the public library and the Presbyterian church. Tom and Daisy's half of the duplex was larger than most others and had an English basement with a coal bin and a door that locked——a cellar where one could play cards or have a drink while waiting for a train to go to New York or a train to go to Philadelphia.CHAPTER 5The 1920sThe day after Tom and Daisy's marriage a contingent of St. Euclid neighbors and Country Club friends who had known Daisy before her marriage,some of them well enough to call her "Sis",boarded a special excursion train that unloaded at New York an hour after leaving Jersey City——at a skuzzy,deserted terminal you could smell vines and garbage and urine and lumber scraps——and took them to a hotel at Paramus.CHAPTER 6The 1920sThe next morning,"Sis" and her friends were driven to New York in Tom's brand-new blue coupé and went shopping for linens,silverware,china,bedding,and towels;for china and silverware that were to be given away as wedding presents.CHAPTER 7The 1920sThe day after that Tom left for a week in New York on business. Daisy's mind was so crowded with plans for their new life that she paid little attention to him——he was Tom——Tom——the fount of all her happiness. She was so happy that she was even sorry for Jordan——she had been sorry for her before she had seen her——and she was sorry for her own past,for her own time at East Egg when she had not known what was going to happen next——as if those years had been……([未完待续])