欢迎回家!41件流失文物艺术品从美国回归中国PPT模板,一键免费AI生成欢迎回家!41件流失文物艺术品从美国回归中国PPT 欢迎回家!41件流失文物艺术品从美国回归中国PPT模板,一键免费AI生成欢迎回家!41件流失文物艺术品从美国回归中国PPT 聚焦十四届全国人大三次会议开幕会,共筑国家发展新征程PPT模板,一键免费AI生成聚焦十四届全国人大三次会议开幕会,共筑国家发展新征程PPT 美国滞留太空宇航员即将返回地球PPT模板,一键免费AI生成美国滞留太空宇航员即将返回地球PPT

Unit 4 Do it yourself Reading 1PPT

A. Match the following words with their definitions.1.oviaN a device that you...
A. Match the following words with their definitions.1.oviaN a device that you can add to a vehicle to make it go faster2. scopeN a long cylinder that attaches to a pipe and controls the flow of water or other liquids3. tuck V to put or hide something in a small space4. resume V to begin again after stopping5. hose N a long flexible tube that is used for giving water to plants, washing cars, etc.6. fuse N a wire that can burn inside a fuse box and cause an electrical circuit to stop working7. socket N a hole in a wall or piece of furniture where an appliance can be plugged in8. yarn N thread that is used for knitting or weaving and is often made of wool or another natural fiber9. loop N a curved line or shape that forms a complete figure with a part of itself10. yarn N thread that is used for knitting or weaving and is often made of wool or another natural fiberB. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words in brackets.The __________ (scoop) of the bucket is made of tinThe __________ (socket) on the wall is empty—the plug has been removedThe __________ (fuse) blew again—we need to call an electricianThe __________ (hose) is stored under the sink for winterThe __________ (yarn) is made from 100% woolThe __________ (scope) of the telescope allows you to see faraway objects clearlyThe cookies were packaged in a clear plastic __________ (loop)My brother and I used to __________ (tuck) things under our beds when we were little.9 We need to __________ (resume) our work—we were interrupted by the phone callThe __________ (violin) solo was more beautiful than any other instrument