Jingzhe, also known as the Awakening of Insects, is a traditional Chinese sol...
Jingzhe, also known as the Awakening of Insects, is a traditional Chinese solar term, which falls on March 5-7 each year. It is the third solar term in the 24 solar terms. It indicates that the hibernating insects have been awakened by the warming weather and begun to move around. It is also a symbol of the beginning of spring ploughing and planting.The Origin of JingzheThe origin of Jingzhe can be traced back to the Zhou Dynasty in ancient China. In the "Qi Li Si Shi" of the "Shi Jing", there is a record that "The Thunder God releases the Thunder God's Ax, and the Insects God releases the Insects". The "Thunder God's Ax" refers to the third solar term in the 24 solar terms, and the "Insects" refers to the Insects Awakening. In ancient times, people did not understand natural phenomena such as thunder and lightning, and they worshipped them as divine intervention. The appearance of thunder and lightning in spring was called "the awakening of insects". With the development of science and technology, people have gradually understood the formation of thunder and lightning, but the name "Jingzhe" has been used for thousands of years.The Customs of JingzheEating JueouoOn Jingzhe, people often eat Jueouo, a kind of traditional Chinese pastry. It is said that in order to prevent the occurrence of spring allergies, people should eat some spicy and acrid food on this day. Jueouo is a kind of spicy pastry made from glutinous rice flour and jujube paste. It is sweet and sour, fragrant and delicious, which is very popular with people. In some regions, people also make jiaozi or noodles on this day, which also carry the meaning of praying for a good harvest.Avoiding Stimulating FoodsIn order to avoid allergies in spring, people should avoid eating stimulating foods on this day, such as garlic, onion and other pungent foods. These foods are easy to make the body "heat", which may worsen allergies in spring.Going OutingIn order to welcome the beginning of spring ploughing and planting, people often go outing on this day. They go hiking, climb mountains, picnic and enjoy the beauty of nature. This not only helps people get close to nature, but also improves their physical health.The Significance of JingzheThe significance of Jingzhe lies in its rich cultural connotation and practical significance. Firstly, Jingzhe is an important agricultural production calendar. It is the beginning of spring ploughing and planting, which is very important for agricultural production. On this day, farmers often go out to inspect their fields and prepare for ploughing and planting. Secondly, Jingzhe is a time for people to take care of their health. In spring, the weather changes frequently, and people are easy to suffer from allergies. On this day, people can eat some seasonal foods to prevent allergies and strengthen their bodies. Finally, Jingzhe is a time for people to relax and enjoy life. After a long winter, people can go outing and enjoy the beauty of nature on this day. This helps people get close to nature and improve their quality of life.