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中文《怦然心动》是一部由文德琳·范·德拉安南执导,罗伯·莱纳执行导演,玛德琳·卡罗尔、卡兰·麦克奥利菲主演的电影,于2010年8月6日在美国上映。该电影改编自文德琳·范·德拉安南的同名小说,描述了一个名叫布莱斯的男孩和一个名叫朱莉·贝克的女孩之间的故事。朱莉从一开始就对布莱斯着迷,尽管她的感情起初并未得到回报,但她从未放弃,并最终赢得了布莱斯的心。英文"Flipped" is a film directed by Wendelin Van Draanen, and executive produced by Rob Reiner. It stars Madeline Carroll as Julie Baker and Cameron Boyce as Bryce Loski. The film was released on August 6, 2010 in the United States. It is based on the novel of the same name by Wendelin Van Draanen, which tells the story of a girl named Julie and a boy named Bryce. Julie is fascinated by Bryce from the very beginning, and though her affection is not initially reciprocated, she never gives up and ultimately wins Bryce's heart.中文朱莉从一开始就对布莱斯着迷,她认为布莱斯是世界上最漂亮的人。她开始为他做各种事情,包括给他送礼物、写情书和为他种一棵树。然而,布莱斯并不领情,甚至有些反感。他觉得朱莉是个奇怪的女孩,总是躲着她。随着时间的推移,朱莉开始意识到她对布莱斯的感情可能并不是真正的爱情。她开始审视自己,试图了解自己的心。她发现她对布莱斯的感情其实是基于一种表面上的美貌和魅力,而不是真正的了解和情感联系。在这个过程中,朱莉也发现了布莱斯的一些不为人知的一面。她发现他并不是她想象中的那个完美的人,他也有自己的问题和困扰。尽管如此,朱莉还是决定继续追求布莱斯,因为她开始真正地喜欢上了他。最终,朱莉的坚持和真诚感动了布莱斯,他开始意识到自己对朱莉的感情。他们最终走到了一起,并度过了美好的时光。英文From the very beginning, Julie is fascinated by Bryce, who she believes to be the most beautiful person in the world. She starts doing everything for him, including giving him gifts, writing love letters, and planting a tree for him. However, Bryce is unappreciative, and even a little repulsed. He thinks Julie is a strange girl and always tries to avoid her.Over time, Julie starts to realize that her feelings for Bryce might not be true love. She begins to审视自己, trying to understand her heart. She discovers that her feelings for Bryce are based on his superficial beauty and charm, rather than true understanding and emotional connection.In this process, Julie also discovers some unknown aspects of Bryce. She finds that he is not the perfect person she imagined, and he also has his own problems and troubles. Nevertheless, Julie decides to continue pursuing Bryce because she has truly fallen for him.Finally, Julie's persistence and sincerity感动了Bryce, and he starts to realize his own feelings for her. They eventually get together and spend wonderful times together.