当完美偶像跌落神坛,你对明星祛魅了吗?PPT模板,一键免费AI生成当完美偶像跌落神坛,你对明星祛魅了吗?PPT 杨铭宇黄焖鸡翻车,不只是后厨卫生的问题PPT模板,一键免费AI生成杨铭宇黄焖鸡翻车,不只是后厨卫生的问题PPT 强制9点下班能遏制畸形加班文化吗PPT模板,一键免费AI生成强制9点下班能遏制畸形加班文化吗PPT 杨铭宇黄焖鸡剩菜回收再卖给顾客PPT模板,一键免费AI生成杨铭宇黄焖鸡剩菜回收再卖给顾客PPT 当完美偶像跌落神坛,你对明星祛魅了吗?PPT模板,一键免费AI生成当完美偶像跌落神坛,你对明星祛魅了吗?PPT 杨铭宇黄焖鸡翻车,不只是后厨卫生的问题PPT模板,一键免费AI生成杨铭宇黄焖鸡翻车,不只是后厨卫生的问题PPT 杨铭宇黄焖鸡剩菜回收再卖给顾客PPT模板,一键免费AI生成杨铭宇黄焖鸡剩菜回收再卖给顾客PPT 当完美偶像跌落神坛,你对明星祛魅了吗?PPT模板,一键免费AI生成当完美偶像跌落神坛,你对明星祛魅了吗?PPT 杨铭宇黄焖鸡翻车,不只是后厨卫生的问题PPT模板,一键免费AI生成杨铭宇黄焖鸡翻车,不只是后厨卫生的问题PPT 强制9点下班能遏制畸形加班文化吗PPT模板,一键免费AI生成强制9点下班能遏制畸形加班文化吗PPT 杨铭宇黄焖鸡剩菜回收再卖给顾客PPT模板,一键免费AI生成杨铭宇黄焖鸡剩菜回收再卖给顾客PPT 当完美偶像跌落神坛,你对明星祛魅了吗?PPT模板,一键免费AI生成当完美偶像跌落神坛,你对明星祛魅了吗?PPT 杨铭宇黄焖鸡翻车,不只是后厨卫生的问题PPT模板,一键免费AI生成杨铭宇黄焖鸡翻车,不只是后厨卫生的问题PPT
a512180a-6251-4504-8c32-faba8dc088daPPT a0b61734-da91-4ae2-88dd-f39d5aa89623PPT 85424588-fdf5-4c6c-84e1-af3ddbd36dbcPPT 0ffb9242-6e96-4035-823f-2c297cb6e6a7PPT


Topic: Lesson 1 of Ji Jiao Edition Fourth Grade English TextbookIntroductionI...
Topic: Lesson 1 of Ji Jiao Edition Fourth Grade English TextbookIntroductionIn this lesson, students will learn basic greetings, introductions, and classroom expressions. They will also practice simple dialogues to improve their speaking and listening skills.Lesson ObjectivesTo understand and use greetings in EnglishTo introduce oneself using simple sentencesTo respond to simple questionsTo use classroom expressions correctlyTo practice dialogues for communicationVocabularyHelloHiGood morningGood afternoonGood eveningMy name isWhat is your name?How are you?I'm finethank youNice to meet youGoodbyeSee you laterYesNoWarm-up Activity (10 minutes)Teacher greets the students using different greetingssuch as "Good morning," "Hi," and "Hello."Students respond with appropriate greetingsTeacher asks individual students"How are you?" and students respond with "I'm fine, thank you."Presentation (20 minutes)Teacher introduces the vocabulary words and phrases using flashcards and gesturesTeacher models the greetingsintroductions, and responses through a role play with a studentStudents repeat after the teacher and practice the phrases in pairsPractice Activities (30 minutes)Group ActivityStudents form groups of three and take turns introducing themselves to each other using the phrases learned. They can also ask "What is your name?" and "How are you?" to their group membersDialogue PracticeStudents work in pairs to create dialogues using the vocabulary words and phrases. They can use prompts provided by the teacher or create their own dialogues. They then perform their dialogues in front of the classClassroom ExpressionsTeacher writes common classroom expressions on the board (e.g., "Open your books," "Stand up," "Sit down"). Students practice understanding and responding to these expressionsWrap-up Activity (10 minutes)Students stand in a circle and take turns saying a greeting to the person on their right. The person responds with a greeting and introduces themselves (e.g"Good morning. My name is John. How are you?"). This continues until everyone has had a turnExtension Activity (optional)Students can create flashcards with the vocabulary words and play a matching gameStudents can make a short video introducing themselves and sharing their favorite hobbies or activitiesAssessmentTeacher observes students' participation and ability to use the vocabulary words and phrases in the practice activitiesTeacher can also give a short written or oral quiz to assess understanding of the lesson contentHomeworkStudents are assigned to write a short paragraph introducing themselves in EnglishBy actively participating in this lesson, students will be able to confidently greet others, introduce themselves, and respond to questions in English.