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In Singapore, drunk driving is a serious offense that carries significant leg...
In Singapore, drunk driving is a serious offense that carries significant legal consequences. The legal blood alcohol content (BAC) limit for drivers is 0.08%%, with stricter limits for professional drivers and minors.Penalty for Driving Above the Legal LimitIf a driver's BAC is above the legal limit, they face the following penalties:Immediate Roadside SuspensionThe driver's license will be suspended immediately for 12 months on the first offense and for two years on subsequent offensesFineA fine of up to SGD 1,000 may be imposed. The amount of the fine increases with subsequent offensesJail TimeA driver may face imprisonment for up to six months for the first offense and up to one year for subsequent offensesCommunity ServiceAn alternative to imprisonment is community service, which may range from 100 to 300 hours of community serviceDriver Improvement CourseAll drivers convicted of drunk driving must take a driver improvement course within a year of the offenseAdditional Penalties for Serious OffensesIf the offense involves an accident resulting in injury or death, the driver faces additional penalties:Longer ImprisonmentThe maximum imprisonment period increases to two years for the first offense and five years for subsequent offensesHigher FineThe maximum fine increases to SGD 2,000Community ServiceThe minimum community service requirement increases to 200 hoursDriver's License RevocationThe driver's license may be revoked for a minimum of two years and a maximum of five yearsImpact on Insurance and EmploymentConvictions for drunk driving have serious consequences beyond legal penalties. Insurance companies may cancel or refuse to renew policies, and employers may terminate the employment of employees with convictions for drunk driving.