动物园是孩子们非常喜欢的地方,他们可以看到各种各样的动物,学习关于它们的知识。下面是一些在动物园中可能会听到的英语表达:What's that anima...
动物园是孩子们非常喜欢的地方,他们可以看到各种各样的动物,学习关于它们的知识。下面是一些在动物园中可能会听到的英语表达:What's that animal? 那个动物是什么?Can you guess what animal this is? 你能猜出这是什么动物吗?Look at the elephant! It's so big! 看那头大象!它真大啊!Do you know what kind of monkey that is? 你知道那是什么种类的猴子吗?The tiger is sleeping. 老虎正在睡觉The lion is roaring. 狮子在咆哮The giraffe is eating leaves. 长颈鹿正在吃树叶The zebra is running. 斑马正在奔跑The bear is climbing a tree. 熊正在爬树The penguin is swimming. 企鹅正在游泳The koala is climbing on a branch. 考拉正在爬树枝The snake is slithering through the grass. 蛇正在草地上滑行The meerkat is standing on its hind legs. 猫鼬正站在后腿上The chimpanzee is using a stick as a tool. 黑猩猩正在用棍子当工具The gorilla is throwing a rock. 大猩猩正在扔石头The walrus is using its flippers to swim. 海象正在用鳍游泳The seal is balancing on a ball. 海豹正在球上保持平衡The hippopotamus is splashing in the water. 河马正在水中溅水The rhinoceros is grazing. 犀牛正在吃草The ostrich is running with its head down. 鸵鸟正在低头奔跑The peacock is displaying its feathers. 孔雀正在展示它的羽毛The emu is walking. 鸸鹋正在行走The cassowary is pecking at some food. 鹤鸵正在啄食食物The penguin is waddling. 企鹅正在摇摇摆摆地走The elephant is trumpeting. 大象正在呼气