IntroductionProgramming language designed by Bjarne Stroustrup in 1983Designe...
IntroductionProgramming language designed by Bjarne Stroustrup in 1983Designed to be an improvement on CGeneral-purpose programming language used for a wide range of applicationsHistory1979Bjarne Stroustrup starts working on "C with Classes" at Bell Labs1983C++ is first publicly released1990Standardized by ISO/IEC 148821998First revision of the C++ standard published2003Second revision of the C++ standard published2011Third revision of the C++ standard published (C++11)2014Fourth revision of the C++ standard published (C++14)2017Fifth revision of the C++ standard published (C++17)2020Sixth revision of the C++ standard published (C++20)FeaturesObject-oriented programming (OOP)Generic programmingProcedural programmingConcurrency and parallelismTemplates and meta-programmingMemory management and type safetyOOP FeaturesClasses and objectsInheritance and polymorphismVirtual functions and abstract classesEncapsulation and data hidingAccessors and mutators (getters and setters)Generic Programming FeaturesTemplates and generic programmingAlgorithms and data structures using templatesStandard Template Library (STL) provides a wide range of generic containersalgorithms, and functions for C++ programmingProcedural Programming FeaturesFunctions and proceduresControl structures (ifswitch, for, while, do-while)Error handling and exceptionsRecursion and iterative loopsConcurrency and Parallelism FeaturesMulti-threading and concurrency in C++11 and later versionsShared memory and race conditions in multi-threading programmingParallelism using threading and task parallelism libraries in C++17 and later versionsStandardized thread support library in C++11including thread objects, thread groups, locks, conditions, and synchronization primitives