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《小王子》是法国作家安托万·德·圣-埃克苏佩里创作的一部童话,讲述了小王子从自己的星球出发前往地球的过程中,经历的各种冒险和思考。下面是小王子英文版的一些经典台词和段落。经典台词I am a grown-upAll grown-ups were once children... but only few of them remember itOne sees clearly only with the heart. Anything essential is invisible to the eyesIt is the time you wasted for your rose that makes your rose so importantOne can only understand the things that one tamesI was too young to know how to love her经典段落One day men will come to the strange planet. Other people, like the little prince, will have seen the earth from the sky. They will come from the stars. They will be different from the people of all other planets. Other people will be wise. They will know when they are full. They will know the value of what they have. Other people will be kind and they will see the foolishness of vanity. They will love the earth and they will love one another. And they will not be foolish and unhappy. They will love the earth with love and with reason. They will not destroy the rose... They will listen to what the little prince has to say about flowers and about the responsibility which we must assume towards them if we wish to love a flower.英文版摘录The little prince said to me“Flowers are so inconsistent! But I am not like them!”The little prince said to me“I have my own planet, and I have three volcanoes that are very useful. I have an active volcano for the morning, one that is extinct for the afternoon, and another one that is dormant for the night.”The little prince said to me“I water my rose every day.” And then he added: “But you also could do that if you wanted to.”“Rose?”“The one you have in your hand!”“Oh! I almost forgot... yes, of course, I will water it every day.” And I watered the rose. And he smiled at me with satisfaction. Then he said: “You see! It is a very easy thing to do! It only needs a little attention! But I also have a secret concern...”The little prince disclosed his secret in a timid, halting voice.“I have a玫瑰花英语版简介如下:《小王子》是法国作家安托万·德·圣-埃克苏佩里创作的一部童话,讲述了一个小王子从自己的星球出发前往地球的过程中,经历的各种冒险和思考。这部童话以其独特的叙事方式、深刻的哲理和美丽的语言成为世界文学的经典之作。以下是小王子英语版简介。故事背景小王子来自一个遥远的星球,那个星球上只有一朵玫瑰花和一个飞行员。小王子在旅途中遇到了许多奇怪的人,包括自命不凡的国王、自高自大的富人、不务正业的酒鬼、墨守成规的灯夫、脱离实际的地理学家等。小王子通过与这些人的交往,对人类的价值观和生活方式产生了深刻的思考。叙事方式《小王子》采用了第一人称的叙述方式,由飞行员作为故事的讲述者。这种叙事方式使得故事更具有真实感和可信度,同时也能更好地表现小王子的内心感受和思考。深刻的哲理《小王子》中蕴含了许多深刻的哲理,其中最核心的是关于爱与责任。小王子通过自己的经历,认识到爱是一种责任,需要付出努力和时间。同时,他也认为人类应该珍惜地球上的自然资源,不要过度开发和破坏环境。此外,书中还表达了关于友谊、成长和死亡的思考,以及对人类社会的一些批评和反思。美丽的语言《小王子》以其美丽的语言而著称,作者运用了丰富的比喻、象征和隐喻等修辞手法,使得故事更加生动有趣。例如,作者用“沙漠中的绿洲”比喻友情的力量,用“狐狸的狡猾”象征人类的自利和虚伪,用“玫瑰花”隐喻人类的爱情和责任等。这些修辞手法的运用使得故事更加形象生动,同时也能够引发读者的思考和感悟。