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中文部分大家好,我叫XXX,来自XX城市,XX岁,现在是一名XX专业的大二学生。很高兴能有机会在这里向大家介绍我自己。我热爱旅行,喜欢探索新的地方和文化。在我看来,旅行不仅是一种放松方式,更是一种学习和成长的机会。每次旅行都让我收获颇丰,了解了不同地方的人情和文化,也丰富了我的视野和见识。除此之外,我还对摄影充满热情。我认为,摄影是一种捕捉瞬间、记录生活的方式,它让我学会了观察和欣赏生活中的美好。我喜欢拍摄自然风光、人文景观以及人们的生活细节,试图通过镜头捕捉到这个世界的多样性和美丽。在学业方面,我对我的专业非常认真。我始终保持对学习的热情,努力学习专业知识,提升自己的能力。同时,我也积极参与课外活动和实践,如社会实践、志愿服务等,以增强我的社会责任感和实践能力。在未来的规划中,我希望能够成为一名优秀的XX(职业),为社会做出贡献。为此,我将继续努力提升自己的专业素养和实践能力,同时保持对生活的热爱和对世界的探索。英文部分Hello everyone, my name is XXX from XX city, XX years old, and I am currently a sophomore majoring in XX. I am delighted to have the opportunity to introduce myself to everyone here.I am passionate about traveling and exploring new places and cultures. In my opinion, traveling is not only a way to relax, but also a chance for learning and growth. Every trip has brought me valuable experiences, allowing me to understand different cultures and people, and broaden my horizons.Apart from that, I also have a great interest in photography. I believe that photography is a way to capture moments and record life, which has taught me to observe and appreciate the beauty in life. I like to capture natural landscapes, cultural landscapes, and the details of people's lives, trying to capture the diversity and beauty of the world through the lens.In terms of my studies, I am very serious about my major. I have maintained my passion for learning, studied hard, and improved my abilities. At the same time, I also actively participate in extracurricular activities and practices, such as social practice, volunteer services, etc., to enhance my social sense of responsibility and practical abilities.In my future plans, I hope to become an excellent XX (职业) and make contributions to society. Therefore, I will continue to work hard to improve my professional quality and practical abilities, while maintaining my love for life and exploration of the world.