在古代中国,孝道被视为重要的道德观念。许多故事和传说都强调了孝道的重要性。下面是一些古代孝道故事: 仲由:百里负米原文:子路事奉孔子,自以为命长,孔子上殿...
在古代中国,孝道被视为重要的道德观念。许多故事和传说都强调了孝道的重要性。下面是一些古代孝道故事: 仲由:百里负米原文:子路事奉孔子,自以为命长,孔子上殿,仲由没有跟着上,他说:“城郭这么破败,君王不修,父亲不治,我要死了。”孔子说:“你真是想死啊!”仲由说:“由死了,能让君王、父亲活着吗?”孔子说:“修城郭、治父亲,是你想死的缘故吗?仲由难逃死亡,死时,头枕胳膊而死。翻译:When Ziluyi, who served Confucius, thought he had a long life, Confucius went up the hall, but Ziluyi didn't follow him. He said, "The walls and cities are so dilapidated. The king doesn't repair them, and my father doesn't cure them. I want to die." Confucius said, "You really want to die!" Ziluyi said, "If I die, can the king and father live?" Confucius said, "Repairing the walls and curing your father is what you want to die for? Ziluyi died, placing his head on his arm and died. 闵损:芦衣顺母原文:闵损字子骞,早丧母。父娶后妻,生二子。母恶损,所生四子,独损衣薄食。父怒,欲逐之。损谏曰:“母在一子寒,母去三子单。”父善其言而止。母得知之,大悔改行。及损成人,妻入门,母劳病死。人皆言损孝纯。翻译:Min Sun, known as Ziqian, lost his mother when he was young. His father remarried and had two more sons with the new wife. The stepmother treated Min Sun badly, making him wear thin clothes and eat little food while his father was away. When the father found out, he was angry and wanted to expel the stepmother. Min Sun advised him, saying, "If she leaves, one son will be cold. If she stays, all three sons will be fine." The father liked his words and stopped. The stepmother heard about it later and changed her ways greatly. When Min Sun grew up and got married, his wife came into the family, but the stepmother died of overwork and illness. Everyone said that Min Sun was very filial. 汉文帝:亲尝汤药原文:文帝,名刘恒,以孝闻。其母卧病三年,帝目不交睫,手不解衣。药非先尝弗进。甘脆肥脓,遍试而后进。母病益进加滋。并召方士求神药。天降神丹二粒,受而服之,病幸瘳。上自为太子时以不能养贻患。即位后痛加惩艾。孝养名流后世。翻译:Emperor Wen of the Han Dynasty, known as Liu Heng, was famous for his filial piety. His mother was ill for three years, and Emperor Wen wouldn't sleep or rest until he personally tried the medicine he was going to give to his mother. He wouldn't eat any delicious food or try any new medicine unless he had tried it first. The more his mother's illness worsened, the more Emperor Wen worried about it. He even called in some sorcerers to find magic medicine. Two magic pills fell from heaven, which he accepted and took as prescribed, hoping that his mother would get better soon. When he was Prince, Emperor Wen realized that he couldn't take care of his mother enough, which caused many problems later on. After becoming emperor, he regretted it and punished himself for it more than ever before. As a result of his filial piety, Emperor Wen became a role model for later generations.