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gender roles in different culturesPPT

Gender roles are expectations that society places on individuals based on the...
Gender roles are expectations that society places on individuals based on their gender. While there may be some overlap between cultures, each culture has unique beliefs and norms that shape the roles and responsibilities of men and women. In this article, we will explore gender roles in different cultures, the factors that influence them, and the impact they have on individuals and society.Western CultureIn Western culture, gender roles have been influenced by several factors, including Christianity, the Enlightenment, and Sigmund Freud's psychoanalysis. The result is a set of norms that dictate how men and women should behave based on their gender.Gender Roles in Western SocietyIn Western culture, gender roles are often stereotypical. Men are expected to be strong, assertive, and breadwinners, while women are expected to be nurturing, emotional, and caregivers. However, recent shifts in social mores have begun to challenge these norms. For example, more women are entering the workforce and earning higher salaries, while men are taking on more responsibilities in the home.Factors Influencing Gender Roles in Western SocietyThe development of gender roles in Western society can be traced back to several factors. Christianity played a significant role in shaping gender roles by assigning men and women specific roles in the home and in society. The Enlightenment furthered this by promoting the idea that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities. Finally, Freud's psychoanalysis added another layer of complexity by suggesting that men and women were psychologically different and needed to fulfill different roles in order to be happy.Impact of Gender Roles on Individuals and SocietyGender roles have a significant impact on individuals and society. For example, men who do not meet stereotypical masculine norms may face discrimination or bullying, while women who do not meet feminine norms may also face discrimination or criticism. Additionally, gender roles can contribute to gender-based violence by dictating what is acceptable behavior for each gender. Finally, they can also contribute to mental health issues such as anxiety and depression by making it difficult for individuals to reconcile their gender identity with societal expectations.Eastern CultureIn Eastern culture, gender roles are also influenced by traditional beliefs and norms that have been handed down through generations. While there is some overlap with Western culture, there are also significant differences.Gender Roles in Eastern SocietyIn Eastern culture, gender roles are often less stereotypical than in the West. While men are expected to be the primary breadwinners, women are also encouraged to work and have a voice in decision-making. Additionally, the role of women in the home is considered equally important as that of men. This is not to say that there are no differences in gender roles but rather that they are less defined and more fluid than in Western culture.Factors Influencing Gender Roles in Eastern SocietyThe development of gender roles in Eastern society is influenced by several factors. Traditional beliefs and norms have played a significant role in shaping gender roles. For example, the belief that women should be submissive and men should be strong has been handed down through generations. Additionally, Confucianism and other Eastern philosophical traditions have emphasized the importance of family and community and assigned different but complementary roles to men and women within these units. Finally, the modernization of Eastern economies has opened up opportunities for women to participate in the workforce, which has also influenced the development of gender roles.