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第一章:四大发明简介1.1 四大发明是什么?PrintingGunpowderCompassPapermaking1.2 四大发明的重要性Great co...
第一章:四大发明简介1.1 四大发明是什么?PrintingGunpowderCompassPapermaking1.2 四大发明的重要性Great contributions to Chinese civilizationRevolutionary impacts on world historyFamous cultural symbols of China第二章:造纸术2.1 造纸术的起源和发明者Origin of paperIn the Han Dynasty, people began to make paper from bark, hemp, and other materialsInventorCai Lun (around the year 105 AD)2.2 造纸术的发展和传播DevelopmentPapermaking technology continued to improve over timeSpreadThe papermaking technology spread to Korea, Japan, and then to Europe and America2.3 造纸术的影响Changed the way people wrote and communicatedAdvanced book preservation and cultural transmission第三章:指南针3.1 指南针的起源和发明者Origin of compassIn the Song Dynasty, people began to use magnetic iron needle to detect directionInventorUnknown, but probably developed in China during the Song Dynasty3.2 指南针的发展和传播DevelopmentCompass technology continued to improve over timeSpreadThe compass technology spread to Europe through multiple trade routes3.3 指南针的影响Revolutionized navigation and tradeEnabled exploration of the New WorldShaped the Age of Discovery第四章:火药4.1 火药的起源和发明者Origin of gunpowderDeveloped in the Tang Dynasty from a combination of saltpeter, sulfur, and charcoalInventorUnknown, but probably developed in China during the Tang Dynasty4.2 火药的发展和传播DevelopmentGunpowder technology continued to improve over time, leading to more powerful weaponsSpreadThe gunpowder technology spread to Europe through multiple trade routes4.3 火药的影响Changed the way people fought wars and defended their country