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[Chapter IVisionWhen I was four years old, I remember that my world suddenly ...
[Chapter IVisionWhen I was four years old, I remember that my world suddenly became richer. I had a new toy - a little black and white television set. It was my first encounter with the world of sight. The images danced and flipped on the screen, and I was completely captivated by them. I could see the world in a new way - a world of colors and movement.BlindnessAs the years went by, my world began to fade. The doctors told me that I was going blind. My world suddenly turned gray - no more colors, no more movement. It was a dark and lonely place. I felt lost and scared.HopeBut then hope came knocking. I was introduced to the world of Braille. It was a whole new way of experiencing the world - through touch instead of sight. Suddenly, my world started to come alive again. I could “see” through my fingers - the feel of different textures, the weight of objects, even the pages of a book. It was a whole new world of sensation.ChangeWith Braille, my life changed completely. I could now read and write on my own. It was a whole new way of living - independent and free. I could “see” the world with my fingers, and it was enough to make me happy.Chapter IIHints of VisionAs the days and months went by, I started to miss the world of sight. I missed the colors, the movement, the faces of my loved ones. But then something amazing happened. I started to see beyond the darkness. I started to “see” with my heart instead of my eyes. It was a whole new kind of vision - one that was deeper and more real than anything I had ever experienced before.Deprivation Turns DangerousBut as my sight continued to fade, my world once again became dark and empty. The doctors told me that I had retinitis pigmentosa, a rare genetic disease that causes progressive blindness. They said there was no cure - only hope for a treatment that might slow the progression of the disease. I felt lost and hopeless once again.A New BeginningBut then hope came knocking once again. I was introduced to a whole new world - the world of technology. It was a whole new way of experiencing the world - through sound instead of sight. Suddenly, my world started to come alive once again. I could “see” with my ears - the feel of different textures, the weight of objects, even the pages of a book. It was a whole new world of sensation.ChangeWith technology, my life changed completely once again. I could now read and write on my own, without any help from others. It was a whole new way of living - independent and free once again. I could “see” the world with my ears, and it was enough to make me happy once again.