Despite Iceland in fact being an island of lush greenery, the geological feat...
Despite Iceland in fact being an island of lush greenery, the geological features there are unlike anything you will see elsewhere.虽然冰岛实际上是一个植被茂盛的岛屿,但这样的地质特征你在其它地方是见不到的。One location, in particular, offers visitors a unique perspective of the wonders of nature by allowing you to explore the Crystal Caves that run beneath a glacier.尤其是游客探索冰川下的水晶洞穴时,这儿能让游客有一个独特的视角去欣赏自然奇观。Vatnajokull in the south east of Iceland is the most spectacular of these, with the glacier itself being the largest one on earth outside of the polar regions.瓦特纳冰原位于冰岛的东南部,是那儿最壮观的景象,也是地球上除极地以外最大的冰川。It covers an area of 5000 square miles and is up to 3300 feet thick in some places.它占地5000平方英里,某些地方达到了有3300英尺厚。The glacier has been formed by thousands of years worth of snowfall that compresses onto itself, and the entire thing is constantly moving towards the ocean.冰川通过数千年的降雪慢慢压紧形成,然后再整个不断地向海洋移动。Because of this, the location of the entrances to the caves beneath the structure are in different places each year, and no two trips will ever be quite the same.正因如此,该结构下通往洞穴的入口点每年都在不同的地方,每次去都会不一样。After crawling through gaps within the ice, you will find yourself in the blue lit caves, surrounded by icy structures and crystal formations.从冰层的裂缝中爬出来后,你会发现自己置身于一个蓝色亮光的洞穴,四周都是结满冰的结构和水晶形成物。You're only able to visit the caves during the winter months because they are too unstable to be safe in warmer weather, but if you ever get the chance to visit this magical place then you'll definitely be glad that you did.你只能在冬季参观洞穴,因为在温暖的天气下,它们太不稳定,不够安全,但要是你有这个机会去游览这个充满魔力的地方,你一定会感到你不枉此行。