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中文版比亚迪秦比亚迪秦是比亚迪的一款紧凑型轿车,它搭载了比亚迪自主研发的DM-i超级混动技术,拥有出色的燃油经济性和动力性能。秦的外观设计简洁大方,内饰豪华舒适,配备了多项智能科技配置,如智能语音交互、全液晶仪表盘等,让驾驶更加便捷和舒适。比亚迪唐比亚迪唐是一款中型SUV,它拥有硬朗的外观设计和宽敞的内部空间,可满足不同家庭出行的需求。唐搭载了比亚迪最新的DM-p王者混动技术,拥有强大的动力输出和极低的油耗表现。此外,唐还配备了智能驾驶辅助系统,为驾驶者提供更加安全、智能的驾驶体验。比亚迪汉比亚迪汉是一款中大型豪华轿车,它拥有流畅的车身线条和豪华的内饰设计,展现了比亚迪在轿车领域的强大实力。汉搭载了比亚迪最新的刀片电池技术,拥有更长的续航里程和更高的安全性能。同时,汉还配备了丰富的智能科技配置,如自动泊车、车道偏离预警等,让驾驶更加轻松和安全。比亚迪元比亚迪元是一款小型SUV,它拥有时尚的外观设计和精致的内饰布局,非常适合年轻消费者。元搭载了比亚迪的纯电动技术,拥有零排放、低噪音、低维护成本等优点,同时配备了多项智能科技配置,如远程控制、智能导航等,让驾驶更加智能和便捷。英文版BYD QinBYD Qin is a compact sedan from BYD Auto, equipped with the company's self-developed DM-i super hybrid technology, delivering excellent fuel economy and dynamic performance. The Qin boasts a sleek and elegant exterior design, luxurious and comfortable interior, and is equipped with various smart technology features such as intelligent voice interaction and a full-liquid crystal instrument panel, making driving more convenient and comfortable.BYD TangBYD Tang is a mid-size SUV that offers a bold exterior design and spacious interior, meeting the needs of different families for travel. The Tang is equipped with BYD's latest DM-p royal hybrid technology, providing powerful power output and excellent fuel economy. In addition, the Tang is equipped with an intelligent driving assistance system, providing a safer and more intelligent driving experience for drivers.BYD HanBYD Han is a large-size luxury sedan that showcases BYD's strength in the sedan segment with its sleek body lines and luxurious interior design. The Han is equipped with BYD's latest blade battery technology, providing longer range and higher safety performance. At the same time, the Han is equipped with various smart technology features such as automatic parking and lane departure warning, making driving easier and safer.BYD YuanBYD Yuan is a small SUV with a fashionable exterior design and精致 interior layout, perfect for young consumers. The Yuan is equipped with BYD's pure electric technology, offering the advantages of zero emissions, low noise, and low maintenance costs. It is also equipped with various smart technology features such as remote control and intelligent navigation, making driving more intelligent and convenient.