The Darkest Hour is a historical drama film that tells the story of Winston C...
The Darkest Hour is a historical drama film that tells the story of Winston Churchill's rise to power during the early days of the Second World War. Directed by Joe Wright and written by Anthony McCarten, the film stars Gary Oldman as Churchill, alongside Kristin Scott Thomas, Lily James, and Ben Mendelsohn. Released in 2017, it received widespread critical acclaim for its powerful portrayal of a crucial period in world history.The StoryThe film opens in May 1940, as Germany invades France and the Netherlands, forcing the Allied forces to evacuate from Dunkirk. Britain stands alone against the might of the Nazi regime, and the future of the country and the world seems bleak. At this moment, Winston Churchill is appointed as the new Prime Minister of Great Britain, replacing Neville Chamberlain.Churchill faces immense pressure and skepticism as he takes over, with many in his cabinet and the public doubting his ability to lead the country through the war. However, he quickly demonstrates his resolve and leadership skills, rallying the nation and leading them towards a fight for survival.The film charts Churchill's journey as he faces internal political challenges, including resistance from within his own party, and external threats from Germany. It also explores his personal life, showing his relationship with his wife Clementine (played by Kristin Scott Thomas) and his struggle with depression and anxiety.The PerformanceGary Oldman's portrayal of Winston Churchill is nothing short of remarkable. He captures the essence of Churchill's personality, from his famous oratory skills to his intense and emotional nature. Oldman's performance is both powerful and nuanced, capturing both Churchill's public image and his private demons. His transformation into Churchill is so complete that it's easy to forget you're watching an actor and not the real-life politician.Kristin Scott Thomas is equally impressive as Clementine Churchill, providing a strong counterpoint to Oldman's performance. She captures Clementine's strength and determination, as well as her love and loyalty towards her husband. The two actors have great chemistry together, and their scenes together are both emotional and believable.The DirectionJoe Wright's direction is both impressive and effective. He manages to capture the scale and gravity of the war while also focusing on the personal stories of the characters. The film is visually stunning, with some truly breathtaking cinematography, particularly during the Dunkirk evacuation sequence.The pacing of the film is also well done, with Wright effectively building tension and suspense throughout. The film never feels too long or too slow, and the runtime feels just right.The VerdictThe Darkest Hour is a superb historical drama that tells the story of Winston Churchill's rise to power during a crucial period in world history. Gary Oldman's performance is outstanding, and the film's direction and pacing are both impressive. It's a must-watch for anyone interested in history or drama, and it's sure to leave a lasting impression on viewers.