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1 IntroductionPunctuation is the system of signs and symbols used to express ...
1 IntroductionPunctuation is the system of signs and symbols used to express language in writing. Punctuation marks help to clarify the meaning and structure of sentences, paragraphs, and entire texts. The primary purpose of punctuation is to separate and organize words, phrases, and clauses within sentences.2 Punctuation MarksPunctuation marks include the comma (,), the semicolon (;), the period (.), the exclamation mark (!), the question mark (?), the dash (-), the colon (:), the bracketed text (‘ ’), the parentheses (,), and others. Each punctuation mark has a specific purpose and meaning within text.3 CommasThe comma is one of the most commonly used punctuation marks. It is used to separate items in a series or list, to separate coordinate (equal) adjectives, and to indicate an interruption in a sentence. Commas can also be used to set off introductory or transitional elements, direct address, and appositives.4 SemicolonsThe semicolon is used to separate items in a series or list when more than two items are related or when commas would cause confusion. The semicolon is also used to separate coordinate (equal) clauses and to link two closely related sentences within a paragraph.5 PeriodsThe period is used to indicate the end of a sentence or statement. It follows an independent clause or sentence-ending clause and precedes the capital letter that begins the next sentence. The period is also used to end direct speech and thoughts within a sentence, to signal an abbreviation, and to signal an end to an indented paragraph or section.6 Exclamation MarksThe exclamation mark is used to indicate strong or excited language or feeling at the end of a sentence. It is often used with an interjection or expletive such as "Oh!" or "Help!" but can also be used with a complete sentence such as "I love you!"7 Question MarksThe question mark is used at the end of a direct question seeking information or an answer. It is also used with exclamations that express a question, surprise, or other reaction such as "How could you do that?" or "Isn't this amazing?"8 DashesThe dash is used to separate an appositive, an interruptive element, or a parenthetical thought within a sentence. It can also be used to link coordinate elements within a sentence or to set off numerals, letters, and words that would otherwise seem parenthetical or incidental.9 ColonsThe colon is used to introduce a list, definition, explanation, or appositive that completes or elaborates on the idea that precedes it in a sentence. It is also used after an independent clause to signal that the sentence will continue with additional information but without introducing a new thought or sequence of ideas.10 Bracketed Text and ParenthesesBracketed text and parentheses are used to enclose interpolated material that interrupts the flow of a sentence but is not essential to its meaning. Bracketed text is set off with pairs of opening and closing brackets ("[]") while parentheses are set off with pairs of opening and closing parentheses ("()"). Parentheses are also used to enclose information that would otherwise seem parenthetical within a sentence but that should remain integral to it for purposes of logical flow or grammatical construction.