中文版孙家栋,男,汉族,出生于辽宁省复县,中国共产党党员,运载火箭与卫星技术专家,航天工程系统专家,中国科学院院士,国际宇航科学院院士,中国探月工程总设计师,中国科学院空间科学与应用研究中心原主任、研究员,中国航天科技集团公司高级技术顾问。孙家栋是中国人造卫星技术和深空探测技术的开拓者之一,为中国突破卫星基本技术、卫星返回技术、地球静止轨道卫星发射和定点技术、导航卫星组网技术和深空探测基本技术作出了重大贡献;为创建和发展中国人造卫星总体技术、卫星航天工程设计技术、卫星有效载荷技术、卫星返回与回收技术、卫星应用技术及作为航天工程系统工程技术和组织管理、高级指挥专家,发挥了重要作用;为中国航天事业的跨越式发展作出了突出贡献。英文版Sun Jiadong, male, Han nationality, born in Fuxian County, Liaoning Province, is a member of the Communist Party of China. He is an expert in launch vehicles and satellite technology, as well as an expert in aerospace engineering systems. He is a member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the International Academy of Astronautics, and the chief designer of China's lunar exploration program. He was formerly the director and researcher of the Space Science and Application Research Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and a senior technical consultant of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation.Sun Jiadong is one of the pioneers in China's artificial satellite technology and deep space exploration technology. He has made significant contributions to China's breakthroughs in satellite basic technology, satellite return technology, geostationary satellite launch and fixed-point technology, navigation satellite networking technology, and deep space exploration basic technology. He has played an important role in creating and developing China's artificial satellite overall technology, satellite aerospace engineering design technology, satellite payload technology, satellite return and recovery technology, satellite application technology, as well as serving as a technical and organizational management expert and senior command expert in the aerospace engineering system. He has made outstanding contributions to the leapfrog development of China's aerospace industry.